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What are the functions of water spray on wheel sand washing machine

The water spray in a wheel sand washing machine serves several important functions that contribute to the effective cleaning and separation of sand and other fine aggregates from impurities. The water spray is a key component of the washing process and works in conjunction with the mechanical agitation and scrubbing actions of the machine. Here are the primary functions of water spray on a wheel sand washing machine:

Dislodging Impurities: Water is sprayed onto the material being processed, helping to dislodge and loosen impurities such as clay, silt, and organic matter that are adhered to the surface of sand particles. The water helps weaken the bond between the impurities and the sand, making it easier for the mechanical action of the machine to remove them.

Creating a Slurry: The combination of water spray, agitation, and scrubbing results in the formation of a slurry—a mixture of sand, water, and dislodged impurities. The slurry allows the impurities to become suspended and evenly distributed within the water, facilitating their removal from the material.

Promoting Movement: Water spray creates a lubricating effect that promotes the movement of sand and aggregates within the machine. This movement is essential to ensure that all particles are subjected to agitation and scrubbing, preventing settling and ensuring uniform cleaning.

Fluidizing Bed: The water spray helps create a fluidized bed of material, ensuring that particles are evenly distributed and separated. This fluidized bed enhances the efficiency of the cleaning process by allowing particles to move more freely and come into contact with the agitating elements.

Maintaining Optimal Moisture: The water spray helps maintain the optimal moisture level for effective scrubbing and separation. Adequate moisture ensures that the impurities are sufficiently loosened and that the material flows smoothly through the machine.

Transporting Impurities: The water spray assists in transporting the dislodged impurities away from the material. The suspended impurities are carried along with the water flow and are directed out of the machine through appropriate channels or outlets.

Preventing Re-Attachment: Water spray helps prevent re-attachment of impurities to the cleaned sand particles. By keeping the impurities in suspension, they are less likely to reattach to the material, ensuring that the cleaning process remains effective.

Cleaning Equipment: The water spray also serves to clean the machine's interior components, including the rotating wheel, paddles, and other surfaces. This prevents buildup of material and impurities, maintaining the efficiency of the machine over time.

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